Math and stuff
Show that $\ev{xy, xz, yz}$ is radical
Proposition Show that $\ev{xy, xz, yz}$ is a radical ideal. Solution Let $f \in k[x, y, z]$. Then $f$ is a finite linear combination of $x^ay^bz^c$ for some $a, b, c \geq 0$. If at least two of $a, b, c$ are positive, it can be expressed as a multiple...
Basic properties of ideal quotients
Proposition Let $I, J, K \subset k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ be ideals. Prove the following: $IJ \subset K$ if and only if $I \subset K:J$. $(I:J):K = I:JK$. Solution 1 Suppose $IJ \subset K$. Let $x \in I$. Since $IJ \subset K$, $xJ \subset K$. Therefore, $x \in K:J$. Therefore, $I...
Radical membership problem
Proposition Determine whether the following polynomials lie in the following radicals. If the answer is yes, what is the smallest power of the polynomial that lies in the ideal? Is $x + y \in \sqrt{\ev{x^3, y^3, xy(x + y)}}$? Is $x^2 + 3xz \in \sqrt{\ev{x + z, x^2y, x -...
Radical of $\ev{xy, (x - y)x}$
Proposition Let $J = \ev{xy, (x - y)x}$. Describe $V(J)$ and show that $\sqrt{J} = \ev{x}$. Solution from sympy import * from sympy.polys.orderings import monomial_key x, y, a = symbols('x y a') print(groebner([x*y, (x - y)*x], x, y, a, order='lex')) gives GroebnerBasis([x**2, x*y], x, y, a, domain='ZZ', order='lex'). Let $S...
A prime ideal that contains the intersection of $n$ ideals
Proposition Let $I_1, \cdots, I_n$ be ideals and $P$ a prime ideal containing $\cap_{i=1}^{n} I_i$. Then prove that $P \supset I_i$ for some $i$. Further, if $P = \cap_{i=1}^{n} I_i$, show that $P = I_i$ for some $i$. Solution Suppose $n = 2$. Then we want to show that $I_1...